Entreyouth C1 – Jerez – EntreYouth Project

Entreyouth C1 – Jerez

The EntreYOUTH project aims to develop a transnational non-formal education programme.

The ultimate goal is to promote active citizenship, young people’s sense of initiative and youth entrepreneurship, including social entrepreneurship.

As globalisation expands inequality and climate change becomes more alarming, society struggles with growing social and environmental concerns.

Our activities have an impact on the environment and society, particularly when it comes to food waste. To address these challenges, sustainable development must balance the needs of today with the well-being of future generations.

It involves achieving growth while respecting nature and economic goals, social responsibility and environmental conservation.

To handle the demands of our future society, young people need sustainability competences. For that reason, sustainability must be included in education through active learning, critical thinking and reflection, the development of research, interpretation and comfort with uncertainty. Learn more about the importance of education for sustainable development on the Entreyouth project website!

In “la Morla”, Arcos de la Frontera, Cadiz, from July 7 to 13, participants and volunteers from the Ítaca Association and Catholic Scouts of Andalusia were able to experience at first hand the training program developed under the European project.

This is one of the actions included in the project “EntreYOUTH”, promoted by the University of Almeria and which, with a duration of two years, is being developed in Spain, Greece, Cyprus and Romania until november.

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