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The University of Almeria (UAL), one of the youngest and most dynamic universities in Spain, was created by The Andalusian Parliament in 1993 as a proposal of the Governing Council of the Andalusian Regional Government, acting on behalf of the National Government. the UAL has seven research institutes, owned by or attached to the UAL that are dedicated to research in such varied areas as Agrifood, Global Change, Migrations, Solar Energy, Neuroscience, Big Data, Intensive Mediterranean Agrosystems or Production Systems in Plasticulture.
C.I.P. Citizens In Power (CIP) is an independent non-profit, non-governmental organization. CIP constitutes one of the leading organizations in Cyprus in the field of global education, social innovation, entrepreneurship, STEM and sustainable growth. The organization implements cross-sectoral, interdisciplinary approaches, as a response to fundamental social, educational and environmental challenges and policy gaps, mainly by employing technology transfer and operationalizing the research findings.
HELIXCONNECT EUROPE (HELIXCONNECT) stemmed from decentralised work in 2018 and fully emerged in 2020 as a response to the need for a better hands-on approach to facilitating innovation, helping organisations grow and enabling a proper integration among innovators, NGOs, industry and government. The organization’s vision is to bridge global innovation systems and enable global knowledge and technology transfer in Eastern Europe and Western Balkans.
SCA, is a federation of Associations, currently composed of 8 scout associations.The objective of the Catholic Scout Movement is to contribute to the integral development of infants and young people, allowing them to fully realize their physical, intellectual, social and spiritual possibilities, as responsible people and citizens, members of their local, national and international communities. For the fulfillment of these purposes, it develops activities of education and protection of children and youth, of promotion of volunteering, of education and environmental intervention, of promotion of gender equality, training actions foreducators, educational publications and the realization of projects of education and development and cooperation with other countries.
Ítaca is a social, non-profit and humanitarian association that seeks to improve the quality of life of children and / or young people, especially in disadvantaged areas and their families. Ítaca’s feeling is based on the principles of social justice, coherence, pluralism, interculturality, participation, active citizenship, volunteering, social innovation, quality and continuous improvement. The mission of Ítaca is to generate changes in behaviors, habits and dynamics of children and young people, especially those who are under a situation of risk or high vulnerability, give visibility and prominence to children and young people who suffer from stigmatization, and lastly, favor the integral development of the young person through interdisciplinary intervention in all the areas that surround it, developing the necessary actions for it.